The RocksCanada Archive
This is the RocksCanada Archive. It is a place where you can find old articles, stories and various other interesting tidbits of information that existed on the old site and the current one as they become aged and decrepit. If you can't find it on the other pages of the site, chances are it is here unless it has been deemed far to worthless to keep.
- The whole story of the 2000 All-Star Rockin'vitational
- This is the complete coverage of the year 2000 All-Star Rockin'Vitational, a tournament held over New Years 1999-2000 in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. It was, by far, the most successful and exciting tournament to date.
More to come...
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Rocks Canada: Play Where You Are! Make Rocks a Part of Your Life!
Made February 12, 2005