Official CARTA Rulebook
for the Game of Rocks
Version 1.1
January 2000
Section 1 - Playing Surface and Pits.
Section 2 - Game Play
Section 3 - Scoring
Section 4 - Officials
Secton 5 -Etiquette
Section 6 -Misc.
Section 1 - Playing Surface and Pits.
- The type of terrain for Rocks play can be any which the players deem acceptable for the Match. Note, however, that CARTA officially only recognizes snow, ice and sand at the moment. Different terrains are acceptable and will be so when they have successfully been played upon and enjoyed by at least one member of CARTA.
- The target area of the Game of Rocks is reffered to as the pit. There are two pits in each playing area. The pit is a circle inscribed in/on the playing surface with a diameter of approx. 6'. This circle can be refferred to as the ring or, because it sounds cooler, "the rings".
- In the centre of the pit shall be placed a target stick approx. 2' in length and with an approx. diameter of 1-2". The stick is anchored in sand by simply sticking it in the sand so that it stands on its own. In winter play, the stick is anchored either in the snow or, as is the case on ice surfaces, the stick is achored with glop (a cementitious mixture of snow and water) so that it stands vertically.
- The 2 pits shall be separated by a distance of approx.15 paces from their centers.
- During game play, the pits shall be kept clean and neat by either a Groomsman or the players depending on the availability of Groomsmen. The stick should be upright at all times and at the completion of each end the rings are to be re-inscribed to be made visible if neccessary. The amount of grooming needed is always the Bosses call. (see Officials)
- In the case of a breakage of a stick, it may be replaced at the completion of the end. [Top]
Section 2 - Game Play
- Each Game of Rocks shall have 2 opponents or 2 opposing teams.
- At the beginning of each game, the opponents shall select four (4) throwing rocks of thier choice. In the case of team play there shall be 4 rocks selected per team.
- These four (4) rocks shall be marked in a manner that identifies them as the player's/team's rocks.
- One of the four (4) selected rocks is to be identified to the Boss by each player as a substitution rock for the game. The substitution rocks are to be placed in an area designated by the Boss. A tree stump is often very effective. A player/team may only substitute one of his game rocks for his substitution rock once per game.
- Each new match will begin with a coin toss to determine who throws the first rock. The winner of the coin toss has the option to throw the first rock or allow his opponent the first throw. In the case of a game that is not the first of a match the choice of first rock goes to the winner of the privious game.
- In alternating turns, each player throws one of his rocks toward the opposite pit from behind the line of the target stick of the pit from which he is throwing. This is called the Throwing line. In the event that a player should cross the "throwing line" the Boss, at his discretion, may remove the rock that was thrown as a result of the foul from play.
- Throwing ettiquette shall be observed before the first rock of each end is thrown. (see Etiquette)
- After each opponent has thrown all of their rocks the score for that end is tallied and noted. (see Scoring)
- The player with the most points in the end has the option of selecting to throw the last rock in the next end or passing this honour to his opponent. The last rock is called "The Hammer". The Boss is to be informed of this choice. (see Etiquette)
- A player may throw his rocks in any manner he wishes but the preffered manner is underhand. Overhand, sidearm, through the legs, around the back, over the head are allowed. The rock must, however, be thrown by hand. Throwing devices are not allowed. Catapults, slings, cannons or any other device may NOT be used. Hands only people.... is that clear all of you Engineers ?
- The players continue in the above manner until a winner is declared. (see Scoring) [Top]
Section 3 - Scoring
- At the beginning of each match it is decided by the players and the Boss whether the game is to a score of 15 or 21 points. In general, Winter matches are to a score of 15 while a Summer match is to 21.
- A game is won when a player tallies a score of, at least, 15 or 21 points before his opponent.
- A player must win by a margin of two (2) points.
- One point will be awarded to the player with the rock closest to the target stick and in the rings at the completion of each end. This is called the "Shot Rock".
- Additional single points are to be awarded to the player with shot rock for each of his rocks that is closer than any of his opponent's rocks. i.e. for second and third shot rock. A player can receive a maximum of three (3) points for shot rocks.
- Two points will be awarded to a player who hits the target stick with his rock while it is in the air leaving the stick standing. This is called a "Hit". In air contact of the stick is verified only by the Boss. "In the air" means that the rock has not made contact with the ground since leaving the player's hand.
- Three points will be awarded to a player who hits the target stick in the air and knocks it over. This is called a "Knockdown". Again, in the air contact is the call of the Boss.
- A rock deemed to be a Hit or a Knockdown is to be removed from the pit and cannot count as shot rock.
- Two points will be awarded to a player who's rock has resulted in a "Leaner". A Leaner is a rock that is touching the target stick. The leaner is shot rock. In the event that each opponent has a leaner, each player scores two (2) points and all other rocks in the rings do not count for any points. Again, the awarding of a Leaner is in the Boss's discretion.
- In the event that a player's rock is fractured in the pit, the larger piece of the fractured rock will be used for determining shot.
- The score is to be tallied only at the completion of each end. [Top]
Section 4 - Officials
- The Pit-Boss, or Boss, is the non-biased voice of authority in each game of Rocks. He is agreed upon by the players before each game.
- The Boss deserves respect. Any disrespect to the Boss can result in the awarding of points to an opponent, removal of rocks from the pit or verbal abuse by the Boss on the player disrespecting him.
- The Boss calls all in air hits.
- The Boss makes all measurements to determine shot rock.
- The Boss declares the score of each end.
- It is the Boss's duty to ask the winner of each end if he opts to have the Hammer or not.
- It is the Boss's duty to give permission for the throwing of the first rock in each end.
- The Boss's word is final. [Top]
Section 5 - Etiquette
- The player that has selected to have the Hammer in each end must inform the Boss of his decision. Statements to the effect of, "I select the Hammer, Boss.", "Hammerin' it up Boss." or "I pass the Hammer to my opponent, Boss." and the like are acceptable.
- Before throwing the first rock in each end, the player with first rock must ask the Boss if he may throw. Accepted inquiries resemble, "Shootin' it up Boss?" , "Throwin' it up Boss?" , "Boss, may I throw the first Rock please?". Other variations are acceptable but it is up to the Boss to determine the acceptability of the inquiry.
- Physical contact is generally frowned upon in Rocks especially during the throwing of Rocks. A player shall not make contact with his opponent while he is throwing his Rocks.
- While trash talking is allowed it is generally frowned upon, especially if done while a player is throwing.
- Players shall remain behind the throwing line until all of his opponents rocks are thrown.
- Bringing drinks, especially beer, to the Boss and one's opponent is encouraged.
- Each game should end with the players and Boss shaking hands. [Top]
Section 6 - Misc.
- These rules may change.
- All rule changes must be voted upon by the members of CARTA. A vote of 50%+1 is needed to change or add a rule. [Top]
Section 1 - Playing Surface and Pits.
Section 2 - Game Play
Section 3 - Scoring
Section 4 - Officials
Secton 5 -Etiquette
Section 6 -Misc.
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Rocks Canada: Play Where You Are! Make Rocks a Part of Your Life!
Made February 12, 2005